How can you not like a book that has a strong female “weather lady” as the main character? I also smiled at the book dedication, “For all the underappreciated Meteorologists everywhere.”
As a fellow Indie writer who cares a great deal about good editing, it is a pleasure to read a well written book with realistic characters, believable dialogue and a fresh situation. I haven’t read any of Travis Mohrman’s other books but I intend to check them out now. The main story is set in St. Louis and having spent a few years, and especially summers, at St. Louis University in what we called “the armpit of the nation,” I can well appreciate the heavy air and perspiration that fills this book.
HUMID is a fun yarn with excellent rising tension and a good number of twists and turns tossed in as well. The weather science and technology is adequate to the story without being a drag on the plot. Mr. Mohrman’s unrelenting humidity and heat descriptions were terrific and had a nearly physical effect on me as I followed along with the trials of the main character. I just wish the book was longer. Well done!
If I could offer a criticism it would be that the ending felt a bit rushed (although I know there may be some story expansion to be offered in an implied subsequent book) and the final antagonists are, at least for the moment, pretty one-dimensional.
Still, I felt this was an excellent read and well worth the time I spent “sweating” through it.
Here's the book link on Amazon:
